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Cross Media Marketing - The mix of print and digital

As the name would suggest, cross media marketing involves using a variety of forms of media to integrate your marketing campaign to your target consumers. With a well designed cross media marketing program, you can connect to these people through numerous media channels at once, thus increasing response rate significantly. Mixing together traditional printed materials like brochures, direct mail, and flyers with social media, television or radio provides an all encompassing approach to the customer. 

What makes a successful cross media marketing campaign

The single most important aspect to any cross media campaign is the cohesiveness. Having a consistent message spread from channel to channel avoids confusion and suspicion from customers seeing each piece. While customer awareness for a product grows with each exposure to an advertisement, in order for that to increase the likelihood that they become customers, the message of each piece needs to be a continuation of the larger idea. 

Create your cross media marketing mix today

At Four Color Press, we specialize in getting the best colors, most unique designs, and effective prints for whatever print and cross media project you need. With the help of our expert print knowledge in Cross Media Marketing, and the print medium as a whole, there are no limits to what you or your business can create. For a free online print quote, or a free print consultation, call us at 817-336-4300 or send us an email!