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Print vs. Email - The fight for printed flyers

With the average consumer being exposed to upwards of 4000 messages every day, how do you ensure that yours breaks through the clutter? The answer in most cases is printing, and even more specifically, custom printed flyers. 

What is a flyer?

Flyers are a way of representing your company or organization to current and potential customers. Flyers can boost your marketing ROI and create awareness. Usually intended for wide distribution, flyers spread short messages and product announcements to a wide range of people. Most often thought of as outdoor and guerilla style marketing pieces, flyers can be sent through the mail or even used during in-store promotions. 

How does print differ from email? 

Understanding your customer base and how they process information is the key to creating effective marketing pieces. In multiple studies done, researchers have found that consumers associate printed materials and emails with completely different characteristics. For example, emails were described as quick, informal, informative and spontaneous. On the opposite hand, mail and printed material were described as personal, official, important, believable, and reliable. 

When to print and mail

Considering consumer perceptions and preferences, printed flyers are best used when the information requires more interaction and consideration. Print is the preferred medium for communications that take more time to read and might be kept for future reference. Mailing flyers is considered more formal and gives the pieces more authority and importance than if the same information had been sent through email. It’s also been proven that customers feel more valued when receiving promotional marketing items through the mail. When a flyer is printed and delivered through the mail, 83% of consumers have shared that they prefer this method so they can store the information for in the future, while nearly 88% answered they simply understood and retained the information better when seeing it on paper. 

Utilizing both print and email

Ultimately, you will communicate with your audience most effectively if you use a combination of communication channels, using digital channels for more direct conversations and time-sensitive updates and print for more in-depth content. If you have any questions about printing your flyers, or where to begin the entire process, contact us today for more information.